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In preparation for peace and reunification:

a) Recruitment of 100,000 people:
We are recruiting 100,000 grassroots people involved in reunification efforts, to work and prepare more effectively for reunification and peace.

b) South-North youth exchanges:
In order to instill in young people a healthy consciousness about reunification, and to help youth in the North and the South discover their common identity, we are promoting cultural exchanges, support for North Korean youth, support for South Korean youth groups, etc.

c) South-North women's gatherings for peace:
We support gatherings of women committed to peace and reunification, for study and action toward these goals.

d) Regional activities:
We are holding a series of local strategy consultations for peace and reunification in all major cities and districts.

e) Festivals for reunification:
We host regular reunification festivals for ordinary citizens.

For peace, friendship and solidarity between the people of South and North:

a) Research for social integration:
The Study Center for Social Integration works to promote common understanding towards sharing of life in South and North Koreas society, through various kinds of research and practice.

b) Cultural activities:
We introduce North Korean culture to the South Korean people through various means such as peace-photography exhibitions, UCC (user-created-content) contests, etc.

c) Peace education:
To cultivate international peace workers, we provide peace education in English, and make available North Korean movies and literature.

d) Publication of newsletter:
We regularly publish the newsletter "South and North Together," to raise public awareness of the need for peace and reunification.

Activities for South and North living together:

a) Sending "Milk of Love" to North Korean children:
We send milk to children in the North. This project also helps South Korean dairy farmers who are suffering from the rising cost of cattle feed and the decreasing consumption of dairy products.

b) Sending basketball equipment:
In support of South-North sports exchanges we send basketball equipment to North Korea.

c) Planting pear trees:
To support the greening of the mountains in North Korea and agriculture in the North, we support environment-friendly pear-tree cultivation.

d) Sending vehicles:
We send vehicles such as trucks and buses to North Korea to support relief efforts following major flooding, and to improve basic living standards.

e) Constructing car service centers:
We support construction of service centers for vehicle repair in North Korea.

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